In the ethereal dance of our shared moments, my dearest, let us discuss the delicate matter of reciprocity. Just as stars twinkle in the night sky, each gleaming with its unique brilliance, my companionship too holds its own value.

As we embark on this journey together, wrapped in the tapestry of our desires, allow me to share the tender details of our tryst. A symphony of shared laughter, whispered secrets, and stolen glances awaits, and in exchange, a token of appreciation shall grace our rendezvous.

For those entranced by the allure of a dinner date, a candlelit encounter where time unravels its golden threads, the investment is tailored to ensure every instant is adorned with the luster it deserves. Please reach out, and like a hidden gem awaiting discovery, the specifics of this delicate exchange shall be unveiled.

Should our hearts orchestrate a meeting beyond my wandering trails, where your haven becomes the stage for our enchanting play, do know that a modest tribute accompanies me on this voyage to your side. This gesture, a tribute to the connection we forge, ensures the universe conspires to weave our story.

As we tread the path of passion and companionship, let us converse in a more intimate space, where whispers and yearnings paint the canvas of our shared dreams. Allow the melody of your curiosity to harmonize with mine, and together, we shall compose a symphony of tenderness and delight.

When I am at home, my incall location is location is Motherwell Town Centre 2mins walk from train station

Incall Rates

1 Hour£200
2 Hours£400

Outcall Rates

1 Hour£250
2 Hours£450
Weekend away within the U.K£8000

15% percent deposit is required to confirm incall appointment and send address. 

20% deposit required for outcall appointment for security/travel reasons